Naive Candy


There are two distinct intentions for commissioned artwork / assets from Naive Candy. One designation is “personal use” and the second is “commercial use” – these two classifications have very different restrictions and price points due to their respective natures.

Commercial use describes any artwork that will be used in a way that results in any revenue for the client (immediate profit or otherwise). Examples of commercial requests: work from companies or brands, Twitch or YouTube channel graphics, logo design, custom print artwork for voice actors, character concept work, VTuber assets, and more.

Personal use describes any artwork that will be for personal enjoyment exclusively. These prices are lower due to the fact they legally cannot be used for any profit. Character illustrations and sketch commissions are the most common personal use commissions offered, and their resolution is generally too low for redistribution or print.

Please visit my VGen Profile for any commission requests. For large scale commercial requests, please send me an email: contact @ naivecandy . net

© 2025 Naive Candy

Theme by Anders Norén